Once done, to list all installed Node.js versions type: nvm ls -> v8.16.0 Let’s install two more versions, the latest LTS version and version 8.16.0: nvm install -lts nvm install 8.16.0 Ĭreating default alias: default -> node (-> v12.8.1) Now that the nvm script is installed on your Debian system, you can install the latest stable version of Node.js with: nvm install node. To start using the nvm script either open a new shell session or run the commands printed on your screen. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion To the ~/.nvm directory and adds the nvm path to your Bash or ZSH profile. The installation script clones the nvm repository from Github Do not use sudoĪs it will enable the script for the root user. To install NVM on your system type the command below. Use this method if you want to install Node.js on a per-user basis. With NVM you can install and uninstall any Node.js version that you want to use or test. NVM (Node Version Manager) is a bash script that allows you to manage multiple Node.js versions. Once the repository is added to install Node.js and npm type: sudo apt install nodejsĮnsure that Node.js is properly installed by typing: node -version v12.8.1 Start by adding add the NodeSource repository to your system by running the following curl At the time of writing, NodeSource repository provides the following versions: Use this repository if you need to install a specific version of Node.js. It maintains an APT repository containing multiple Node.js versions. NodeSource is a company focused on providing enterprise-grade Node support. Installing Node.js and npm from the NodeSource repository # This is the easiest way to install Node.js and npm on Debian and should be sufficient for most use cases. The command will display the Node.js version: v10.15.2 One the installation is completed, verify it by typing: nodejs -version

Install NodeJS on Ubuntu - Quick & Simple